Kozí kameň 45 - ALS Charity Run - Memorial of J. Svočák 2021 (47km / 1700m+), Svit, 21.8.2021
"I'll start at full blast and gradually speed up." (Motivational quote)
"He who does not overdo the beginning will not make the personal best." (Tekel, J., 17.7.2021, Telgárt)
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Foto: Matúš Jančík |
I was the first one at the presentation that morning. I say to myself, OK, at least I'm the first at the presentation 😂 That morning at 7:00 a.m. in Svit, 16 men and 5 women - me, Mirka and three other girls - lined up for the start. I had no idea what result I should expect from myself, I counted on all kinds of alternatives, even the last place, but I didn't even dream of winning. I just wanted to have a good run and finish the race. To have numbers and not letters in the result sheet 😄 and most importantly, do it all in good health.
That morning, as I always do before the start, I put myself somewhere in the back so as not to get in the way of the speeders in the initial few hundred meters. For the first two kilometers along the flat, the majority remained faithful to the two quotes mentioned above. For now, the women stick together and I can hear two of them right behind me breathlessly stating that we're going pretty fast, aren't we? I agree with them a little, but if you don't overdo the beginning, you won't make a personal best. I shout to Mirka, who is running a few meters in front of me, not to wait for me, let her run her own way. I did not warm up before the race this time. I did that the day before, when I did a decent 2km warm up, 6x strides up a hill, stretching, running drills and a decent 2km cool down. During the second drill exercise, I thought to myself: "I hope I won't regret this tomorrow..." 😂
I can feel that warm-up a bit now, but I've been running relatively well since the start, even if the pace is a bit too fast for me at such an early stage of the race. I don't know if I can keep up this intensity for 45 kilometers. But I tell myself - as long as it goes well, it goes well. The two women eventually slowed down after the first kilometer and went their own pace, the three of us are still sticking to each other. Tactically I tell myself that I will stick to the first two as long as possible. After all, as long as it goes well, it goes well. I'm waiting for the oxygen to reach my muscles, for the engines to warm up and start going full blast. I'm also watching to see if the scenario from Turec is going to repeat (read here: Turiec Trail), but nothing like that is happening yet.
We finally run into the forest and the first climb begins. I catch up with Mirka, who takes off her windbreaker and we jog together for a while. My turbo kicks in (ok, a small turbine, not a turbo) and I fast-hike up the hill. I can't talk much because of my heavy breathing. Hopefully Mirka will forgive me and we will make up for it at the finish. Before long, I leave her behind, but I don't attach any importance to it - she can pass me again at any time. A nice forest single-trail takes us all the way to Smolník hill. I'm also catching up with the first girl - not that I'm aiming to, because nothing can be clear yet in the first kilometers. But as long as it goes well, it goes well, and I'm going. Of course, during the first downhill, she left me behind like nothing and together with her partner ran far ahead of me. So I continue through a beautiful forest and try not to slow down, but at the same time enjoy the surrounding nature, grass, trees, fragrant forest, nice runnable trail. I'm relishing it today, it's so beautiful here, the morning is beautiful. I enjoy running, I enjoy keeping the same rhythm, I don't want to slow down or stop for photos. After all, the images will remain in my memory. And the truth is that there were several photographers on the track, so I hope for beautiful professional photos 😅
I arrive at the first aid station at the 12th kilometer, where the girl and her partner are slowly getting ready to leave, but when they see me, they quickly move on. I refill the water, swallow a piece of banana, and don't linger there for too long either. The following is a section along meadow roads and forest tracks, I can still see the couple about 200 meters ahead of me. We swing over another hill with beautiful views all around and and with a steep forest road down the hill. The grass up here is already yellow-brown, I can smell the end of summer in the air, even though the sun is just starting to shine and it contrasts nicely with the green trees and blue sky. A steep descent is followed by an even steeper ascent, the trail is lined with thick raspberry bushes. The scent of ripe raspberries lingers everywhere around and the girl in front of me is tempted by to stop and eat them. Every now and then she pauses by the bushes and feeds on the goodies. Her partner takes pictures and videos of her. I'm not stopping, I know that berries are insidious and dangerous thing. Once a person gets stuck with them, there is no chance of leaving. I learned a lesson once on a hike with my other half - we went to Žiarske sedlo. Above the Žiarská chata, we peaked in the blueberry bushes and that was it, the hike was over 😂.
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