Turiec Trail Greater Fatra 42 2021 (41km / 1624m+), Blatnica

 Attempt No. 1.

WTF? DNF 🤷‍♀️

The race took place on Sunday, July the 18th, the forecast called for beautiful warm weather in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Katka and I arrived in Blatnica early in the morning, managed to park correctly in three attempts, go to the presentation, warm up and piss off the owner of a nearby guesthouse.  I met a lot of people I hadn't seen for a long time, the atmosphere was great, I was looking forward to the race. The course is challenging not so much for physical fitness, but rather for the setup in your head.  First, it's a 7km long run through the monotonous Blatnicka dolina with a long steady ascent. Then the path turns into the forest and a sharp climb vertically up begins, fine-tuned with a lot of fallen trees. This climb was etched in my memory three years ago, when I ran a shorter course through Drienok as a part of the event. I name it internally as "PUKE". And that's where I got switched off this time. Shallow breath, a million liters of sweat, dizziness, nausea, my heart couldn't calm down, my ears pinned, jelly legs, I had to take a breath every 10 steps. Like I was in the hills for the first time in my life. After eight kilometers, I wanted to wrap it up - I imagined myself turning around and running back down to Blatnica, sipping my Coke at the finish line and cheering the runners arriving at finish, and I found this idea so beautiful 😂. I literally wanted to DNF right now. But, Aďka caught up with me and said that I should at least go to Kráľova studňa with her, and that she would probably pack it in there due to the impeding storms on the ridge that she was so scared of. So I let myself be talked into it and together we pulled it all the way there - 20 km. The storms came and I didn't have the physical or mental strength to continue. When I imagined how long it would take me to crawl to the end of the ridge and run down the endless 12-kilometer-long Gaderská dolina - no, thank you, not fancy today. And so Aďka and I were gracefully driven back to the finish by the nice sweet people from the refreshment station in their van. It was a relief.

Of course I was sorry for that and I thought a lot about why. Why did it turn me off? I went into the race rested and well prepared. However, it was horribly stuffy and hot. There was probably also low pressure. Maybe some weak virus came over me, which I didn't feel, but it manifested itself like this. Plus PMS. I thought about why other women are able to carry on and perform despite the odds, and I couldn't do it on that particular day. Whatever. I'm a looser baby, so why don't you kill me 😁 well no, I'm not, I know that I have I am stubborn and I can wring strength from myself as long as it's there. But it wasn't there then. There are days like these. Not every day is Sunday, even if it is Sunday 😆

I already have one experience with a DNF - at the Chopok Sky Marathon - and not because I couldn't do it. Actually, I had a lot of strength. But I didn't reach the cut off time on Biela Púť check point, because I run like a retard on that Tatra granite and so I was too slow.

However, the crappy Turiec was haunting me, disturbing me, not letting me rest. And so, one fine day I started the car in the morning and before seven o'clock I was already standing in Blatnica, this time parked correctly on the first try and determined to run the entire route even if the bears were falling down from the sky.

 Attempt No. 2.

Saturday 7.8.2021

This time I am not rested at all. This week I had: 1x Babky, 1x tempo run, 1x interval run, even on Friday morning. Also, I think I put too much garlic in that zucchini pasta sauce yesterday and I can feel it pretty much now. I'm as sleep deprived as I was three weeks ago at the race day 😂 but that's okay, I'm going for it. I wouldn't want to do a second fix.

I'm checking to make sure I have packed everything I'll need, take a photo under the wooden starting gate, look around and I can still feel that great race atmosphere from three weeks ago. I set the route in my watch and press start. I prepare mentally for the first long 7 kilometers, and head slowly up the valley.

Right at the beginning I see the first tourists and then I don't meet anyone for two hours. I run, enjoy the morning dewy nature, taking in my feelings and waiting to see if any hints of what I experienced at the race will come. So far, nothing like that is coming. I'm trying not to burn out at the beginning, even if I risk depriving myself from PR's 🤣 the kilometers are passing one after another, I'm admiring the nature and monumental rock formations that I wasn't able to perceive last time. And I still feel good. After 6.5 km, I turn along a narrow footpath between the dense greens and get on my fav climb named Puke. I step up and watch myself, everything is fine. There are no heart attacks yet. The ascent is passing by and I remember the specific points: Here I heard Andrea's voice approaching... Here she caught up with me... Here we took pictures of how flushed we were... Here one runner shouted at us "you are up already!" even though we were nowhere near the top. I don't even know how it got past me this time, but really, I'm already up there. So fast? Last time it seemed endless.

I continue along a narrow single-trail traversing the slopes of Malý Rakytov in all sorts of ways, there is silence and peace everywhere, a fresh morning and the smell of smoldering leaves. The markers are no longer here, but here and there you can see fading sprayed arrows on the ground or on tree stumps. I reach the highest point and the arrow leads me steeply down. I unfold the poles. A downhill, which I internally named "DEEP SHIT". The dark doom forest doesn't let in even a ray of sunlight, it's full of old brown leaves and lots and lots of fallen trees. An ominous silence. Let's get out of here quickly. I weave my way through the uprooted trees, the imprints of sweaty buttocks on them have long since been washed away, and the steepness has no end. I look up and see the blue sky flashing through the tree branches. Well, it's doom, dark, black, gloomy down here. However, the depressing forest slowly but surely turns into a pleasant path alongside a dry-creek, the garlic sauce finally settles and, together with the breakfast flakes, turns into energy. I meander along the meadow to the Suchý Rakytov cycle path. I set off at a jog upwards, the path runs along a beautiful stream called Teplica. I remember how Aďa and I so much longed for a bath in it last time 😁 The stream is clear, with a sandy-rocky bottom and beautifully completes the character of the valley with its flow, cascades and mini-waterfalls.

The valley is long again, the ascent is steady, and I'm impatiently looking for the turn into the forest. I reached it finally and stop to replenish my water supply at the stream - another long steep climb through the dark forest awaits me. Again, there is silence and an ominous calm everywhere. No one around. Something rustles here and there somewhere. I'm past the point where last time I sat, exhausted, sucking on an energy gel and eating a chocolate bar. Today, it is totally different. I don't need to sit or suck 😃. I pass the point where we met a family of Czech tourists last time, and a little boy condescendingly announced to us: "Don't worry, it's only a short distance, about an hour and a half, uphill, then downhill and then uphill again, across a mead and you're there." Desperation was sticking out of our eyes back then. WHAT??? Another hour and a half to Kráľova studňa? Of course, it was much less, but we were already decently exhausted, depressed and demotivated 😂

Now I just smiled at the memory of that situation, took a sip of water, an electrolyte drink and continued at a constant pace. The trail, crossing the stream and winding around the rock walls, brought me to a small mead, followed by a short steep run down, reminding me of the final downhill from Javorinka to Zázrivá at ULTRAPOBEHAŇä 2020 (read here: ZÁZRIFSKÉ ULTRAPOBEHAŇä 2020). Only the ravine was much narrower. I spit myself out on the paved forest road at Košarisko, the sign telling me that it is still two kilometers to Kráľova Studňa. I run up, easily, feeling my strength and energy. I am planning to stop for a Coke at the hotel. The sound of a diesel engine pulls me out of my thoughts - I look around and see that the bus is scrambling hardly up the hill.  I'm thrown off my rhythm a little when I have to dodge it and then smell diesel fumes. I don't mind it that much, but I'd prefer a petrol one next time, OK? 😂 luckily the gentle wind blows the smoke away quickly and I can breathe deeply.

The bus is packed with tourists who get off at the hotel. So I'm giving up my Coke, I don't want to wait around and get in a delay. I'm not even in the mood for a lot of people today. I'm enjoying my solitude in the mountains, it's just me here, alone with myself. I am happy that I am finally "up", out of the forest, in the sun, enjoying the surrounding views. I jog along the footpath towards the watering holes, passing the place where Aďka and I turned around the other day and started a frantic escape from the storm and hail. Today is a beautiful clear day, a cloud here and there and the wind is starting to blow. I refill my flasks at the watering place and prepare a fresh electrolyte drink, take a few photos and go up the mountain in the direction towards Krížna. A group of tourists is taking pictures by the well, and one of them reports that the climb to Krížna is terrible - about as nasty as Baníkov. Well, either he was taking a piss, or he'd never been to Baníkov. Or to Krížna.

I swing over two hills, weave through the groups of standing bikers and hey, I'm up by the transmitter. A herd of sheep lies right below, resting and looking at me lazily. Magical.

I scan the trail leading to Ostredok. A girl is running about 400 meters ahead of me. I imagine I am in a race and try to see if I can catch her. I enjoy this wonderful section, a beautifully runnable trail along the main ridge of Veľká Fatra with breathtaking views and grass waving in the wind. It's blowing a lot here today. I take pictures. I run. The wind blows. I'm gradually catching up with the girl finally reaching her at Ostredok 👊 Yesss!

After Ostredok, I follow the green trail down and remember that we did this path with Aďa three years ago when running Krížna Krížom Krážom race. but upwards. I'm alone again, exploring familiar places, relishing the run through the meadow along the knee timber, taking pictures of still life with thistles, enjoying the views.

The trail turns into the forest and descends more steeply. There is still a layer of mud on it from the recent rains. I'm running carefully. I emerge out of the forest to the nettle meadow, in which Katka took such an epic bath three weeks ago 😂 read her impressions of the race here: Katka's Turiec Trail. So I'm progressing even more carefully, although I don't fall, but my legs are nettled pretty good. The nettle is big and lush, but at least it's everywhere, it covers the entire muddy trail. Well, at least I won't get rheumatism, they say.

This is followed by an even steeper, even muddier run through the forest, where I moan loudly and then laugh at myself. One more mead, one more forest and I finally reach Drobkovo. A group of hikers are sitting by the signpost, when I come closer, they become quiet and look at me strangely. I ignore them and keep running. Only then do I realize that my legs are covered in mud almost up to my thighs and that it looks rather weird 😂 What on Earth was I doing in that forest, for God's sake!

A 12-kilometer run through Dedošova and Gaderská dolina awaits me. In my head, I set myself up for a long, monotonous run, turn on autopilot and set off. Dedošova dolina is very pretty, it's a shame that I'm "at a race" and don't have time to enjoy it here. But I promise myself that someday I'll bring my family here for a bike trip. The road is gravel at first and it flies by quite well. There are more people walking and on bicycles, the beautiful day drew them out into nature. The kilometers are decreasing (or increasing), I have a constant pace of 5:30 and I'm starting to recalculate the final time (well, it was about time, wasn't it 😅). If I keep this pace, I could make it under 6 hours. Only who knows how many kilometers it will come out to in the end. Someone's watch measured 40, someone's 41, it could be 42. So I speed up a little, to fulfill this goal of under 6 hours.

Dedošova dolina flows into Gaderská, the gravel road smoothly turns into asphalt, and I have about 7-8km left. I'm already quite tired, but I'm still running well, no significant pain or twinges in my side. Anyway, I already have some experience with endless asphalt valleys 😁 I often go to train in Ticha and Kôpra valleys here in the Tatras. I only perceive the weight of the poles, I can't stand holding them in one hand for a long time, so every minute or so I toss them from one hand to another. I can't fold them, the tiny button is clogged with sweat salts and can't be pressed. I will have to clean them and spray them with some WD. There are more and more people in the valley, there are also electric scooters and mopeds. It's the fifth time I'm overcoming a cycling family and they praise me for going faster than them and hats off. Thanks. Two guys emerge from some side path and start running straight after me. They stomp a meter behind my ass, making me nervous. I think I also caught some sneers, they are probably laughing at my thigh-high fucked up muddy feet. It cracks me up. But I imagine that I'm really at a race and it's just some fellow runners and that I'm minding my own business and don't give a shit about them. Eventually they overtake me and sprint down. At least they could have pulled me a little, gentlemen...

I enjoy every beep of the watch, every kilometer I've run and impatiently look for the familiar points near the Gader cottage settlement, where Katka and I pissed off the owner of the guesthouse last time. But the road is still monotonously lined with trees and bushes, no clues to be seen. People are flocking up and down, my autopilot is still going full throttle. Where is that sign we warmed up along the other day? Where is the bridge? Where is the turn? Finally, in the distance I see a lot of cars in the settlement and in the parking lot and along the road and literally crowds of people. I had planned to stop there for a Coke and appease the angry owner, but I quickly send this thought away, fly over the crowded and car-filled place, run under the wooden starting gate and shuffle up the sidewalk towards the finish stream. It's about 300 meters that copy the first 300 meters after the start. But this time, I do not continue through Blatnická dolina again, but turn left at the ford and run into the stream. Oh, this is so good 😋 cold water washes tired feet, gets the blood flowing in my veins and supplies energy for the final finish line to the amphitheater. The atmosphere of the race three weeks ago resonates in my mind, I try to guess where the finish gate was probably built. Today, however, it is empty, desolate, silent, no music, no runners, volunteers, no food stall. Just a tourist here and there. I run across an imaginary finish line and pause my watch. 5 hours and 47 minutes. I am satisfied 😃 My watch measured the distance as 41.2 km. I breathe out and enjoy the feeling of having done it successfully. I am happy. I resume the activity and cool down one more kilometer, so that the distance is nicely rounded up to a marathon.

The route of the Turiec Trail is beautiful, very varied, challenging to be well set up in the head, especially when running through long, long valleys and seemingly endless climbs through dark forests. Greater Fatra is beautiful both on the ridge and in those long deep valleys and it is not overcrowded (well, except for Gaderská dolina 😁)

I go back to the stream to wash my muddy feet, so I do not go home like a pig. I'm sitting by the stream and replaying the impressions from the run, relaxing, feeling the here and now and I don't actually want to go home 😉 I check the Strava and see that despite the mild start, I've set several PRs there and I'm also a Local Legend on two segments, yesss! 😎 I mean, who would do the Turiec Trail twice in a row within three weeks. Only losers to become local legends 😂


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