Ultra Fatra 2022 (57km / 3600m+), Harmanec - Ružomberok, 30.7.2022

Wellness and mud bath included in the entry fee I ran Ultra Fatra for the first time two years ago, and the race enchanted me not only because it takes me 20 minutes by car from my home to Ružomberok, but also because of its atmosphere, difficulty and the beauty of Velká Fatra nature. It is different from the Tatra or Little Fatra. The steep climbs and descents are in stark contrast to the undulating grassy ridge that stretches far and wide. But I have already forgotten that Japeň has two peaks, that you go to Krížna over three humps, that you have to run up one more hill after Ostredek and only then follows the descend, that the traverse around Ploska to Chata pod Borisovom is looooong as... , that the traverse from Ploská under Rakytov is even longer. But I haven't forgotten how beautiful it is there. I haven't forgotten that Ploská is not that Ploská (flat), I haven't forgotten Rakytov, nor Sidorovo 😍 I haven't forgotten how it feels to reach the finish line of U...