The Eastern Ridge of Low Tatras (49km / 2736m+), Telgárt - Čertovica, 11.7.2021

On the trail of NTS, part I. So, on the fourth attempt, I finally passed it. The first attempt was like that I didn't even leave the house on the scheduled date due to a sudden health indisposition. The other two attempts were more like some kind of hybrid patchwork of several sections of the ridge and its parts. But today, today it worked out 😊 Katka and I spontaneously agree on a date and a few days before we fine-tune the last logistical details. We leave one car at Čertovica and Katka's wonderful Martin drives us all the way to Telgárt in his van early in the morning. We drive through the sleeping Horehronie and witness a magical steamy sunrise. All kinds of clouds are floating around and it's stuffy. However, we believe in the weather forecast, which predicts a storm on the ridge at 3:00 p.m., and I guess we'll be at Ramža by then. Shortly after six in the morning we arrive at the square, do a short stretch, a promotional photo for the social networks and we set...