
Big Bear's Ultra 100+ 2024 (121km / 6588m+), Žilina, 21.9.2024

 A run that was rewarding. Right at the beginning, let's be reminded of a memorable announcement of mine stating that after a DNF at the MF100, I would internally sign myself out of all the upcoming races and put my ultrarunning career on hold: The upcoming races were KAT100 in Austria (the entire vacation was already booked and paid for there, everything was arranged) and for BBU100. I'm studying the terms and conditions for signing out but Miloš is strict, he won't let anyone just run away from the battlefield before the battle. And I know that I would be pissed off afterwards and would sign up again next year. In short - I saved myself a few mouse clicks, doubts and money and didn't run away from this battlefield 😅. Fast Forward to September. I'm taking the train to Žilina and am surprised to see that I'm actually really looking forward to the race. The route, 70% of which I already know intimately, the people, the homely Slovak atmosphere of the homely Slo...

KAT100 by UTMB Edurance Trail (82,77km / 5093m+), Kitzbühel - Fieberbrunn, 2.8.2024

  My first Alpine adventure I don't even know why I chose this race in the Tyrolean Alps, the so-called Kitzbühel Alps - surrounding the Pillersee Valley. Maybe it was the "only" a 9.5 hour journey, maybe it was the night start, maybe the altitude around 2000 m.a.s.l., but anyway, I signed up and planned a vacation for us, so that the whole family could enjoy it with me 😀 I study the route, the region, review photos, make plans, book accommodation, compile the mandatory equipment (I had everything that was on the list, even a chemical light, and my backpack was full to bursting). After the MF100 failure, I was pretty scared, thinking that I was going to fumble in the Alps, because I don't know how to run at all (I didn't know that wading, sliding and balancing skills would come in more handy...), but I somehow shook myself off the debacle and started to focus on KAT. In the end, I put the experience from the MF DNF to good use. I went with a better mindset, bette...